Thursday 2 January 2014

Toronto, Ontario, CANADA

Who is the moose?

CN Tower, Glass Floor (looking down 100 levels)

Ben & boys outside the Toronto Railway Museum

Getting ready for 2014!

CN Tower, Toronto (previous tallest world tower)

It was freezing cold in Toronto (minus 13 degrees Celsius)

Ice Hockey Hall of Fame

Toronto skyline.  Very icy underfoot!

Steam Engine

CN Tower glass floor. "Who's scared?"

Tim Horton's - an institution in Canada. V ordinary coffee!

Train turntable.  Dougal pegging another snowball!

Niagara Falls and Burlington, (Ontario, CANADA)

The American falls in the background. Wright and James boys.

Family James at Niagara Falls, Canada.

Ferg on top of a huge pile of snow

Ben & Fi

Happy Anniversary Darren & Simone (18 years!)

Dave & Clinton (3yo)

Niagara Falls: Dave the clown!

Dinner at The Keg, Embassy Suites, Niagara Falls, CANADA

Dougal and Bailey

Dougal & Finn receiving a bear hug from Clinton

Look at those Falls! Wow!

Fergus & Jackson (both 13yo)

Niagara Falls, CANADA.

Team Justice (Clinton 3yo and Christopher 11 weeks)

Hungry boys!

"Where is the food?"

The Wrights, the James' and Dave Justice together again at Niagara Falls.

2013 New Year's Eve - A 1999 UNTSO reunion in Burlington, Ontario, CANADA.

In 1999, Darren Wright & Ben James (both Australian Army Officers) and David Justice (Canadian Army Officer) worked for the United Nations Truce Supervisory Organisation (UNTSO) peace keeping in the Golan Heights for 6 months and Southern Lebanon for 6 months.  That is the beginning of our friendships 14 years ago!.  Darren (ex-Army) & his family, are now living in Texas, Houston, working for Chevron Oil, Dave (ex-Army) and his family, are now living in Quebec, Canada, working as a partner in a Security firm and Ben is still working in Australian Army, currently posted to the US Army War College, Carlisle, Pennsylvania as a student for 12 months.  Missing from the crew are Rob Lee (Australian Army Officer) and Nancy Legrand (was Canadian Army, now Royal Australian Navy Officer).
Darren & Simone Wright, Dave Justice & Marie Eve Bastien, Ben & Fi James

Laura, Simone, Tara Justice & Fi enjoying bubbles

Gourmet 5 course dinner prepared and cooked by Tim Justice (brother of Dave and friend of the Wrights).

The James boys v. the Wright boys

Tim working his magic in the kitchen

Tim  preparing filo pastry starters - YUM!

What is so funny?

Ben & Dave reminiscing old times!

Ben taking care of drinks!

Ben, Dave and Darren catching up over a beer or two!

Movie night for the boys!

Tim & Ben enjoying the ambience!... "it's not cold"

Sunday 6 October 2013

The National Apple Festival

Fi tasting an apple. Delicious!
 Today (6 October) we visited The National Apple Festival at a town called Biglerville (near Gettysburg) - a 45 minute drive from Carlisle.  It was similar to a Tenterfield or Murgon Show but without the rides. There were lots of craft and food stalls and anything and everything to do with Apples!.  I enjoyed a non-Alcoholic Apple Daiquiri! The Festival provided us with an insight of rural America - we stood out from the majority!

Dougal and Ben catching the school bus to the Festival

Autumn has arrived at 504 Belvedere St, Carlisle.

Lotsa apples!

Making wooden shingles

Picking apples!

Fi's new PINK chariot!

Ben & Fi tasting Pumpkin Fennel Pie

The engine powering the saw cutting the shingles

Pumpkin Fennel Pie = similar to a doughnut