Saturday 15 June 2013

So, What Were our Highlights...?

So after just over 4 weeks of travelling, we have finally arrived at Carlisle and started to get ourselves set up for the next 12 months.  Here are our highlights, in our own words, from the last month of travels:

Dougal: my favourite thing on our trip was California adventure land because I loved the roller coasters there.  My favourite ride was the California scream'in which is a realy big roller coaster wihich has a loop the loop and five  MASSIVE drops in it. I didn't really like Disneyland because it was a bit babyish but it had some all right rides like splash mountain where you're in a fake cut out log and u go through a mountain.   

Fergus:  My favourite parts of the holiday were San Francisco, Chicago and Anaheim. San Francisco because I loved going on the trolleys, whizzing around the city hanging off the edges and narrowly missing hoboes. My other favourite thing in San Francisco was Alcatraz because I think it's interesting that about a century ago Americas biggest criminals would have been in these cells.

I loved Anaheim because since I was little I have wanted to go to Disneyland but what I really enjoyed was California Adventure Land because the rides at Disneyland were a bit babyish (but still a bit fun).And Chicago because I liked the architecture, Museums and the free zoo in Lincoln Park which was great for a free Zoo. :P
Mum: I love the outdoors - both Yosemite NP and the Grand Canyon are highlights.  Out of those two, I would go with Yosemite.  You can't really compare them as they are so vastly different.  But I enjoyed being surrounded by lush green vegetation, the waterfalls & rivers that were overflowing with icy cold water, the wildlife (I wanted to see a bear, but I didn't!!!), spending quality time with Ben, Fergus & Dougal while hiking and the many different walks that are available for all levels of experience.  A truly invigorating and refreshing place!
Dad: It's pretty hard to go past Yosemite as the highlight for me although we have had so many terrific experiences over the past four weeks.  Yosemite just takes your breath away and it was just fantastic to be able to hike through some of that amazing countryside.  There's only a few places that really take your breath away when you first clap eyes on them - Gallipoli is one of them, a packed house at Suncorp before a test match is another, but Yosemite National Park would have to be added to the list in my view.


  1. Interesting to hear all your comments! Naturally the boys liked the "rides" but I was impressed with Ferg's mature answers.
    Yosemite must be so lovely - it's hard to beat Mother Nature! Pity you didn't see a bear Fi!

  2. And Fi what exactly were you going to do when you saw this bear!

  3. No food highlights Fi? Or is that a separate post? I am sure the boys have some! Hahaha....
