Saturday, 25 May 2013

Hoover Dam.

Hoover Dam was an impressive engineering feet.  94 workers were killed in constructing the dam - some were run over by trucks, some were crushed by mud and muck, some fell to their deaths while building the dam wall and some were electrocuted.  Others accidentally blew themselves up - they were known as Powder Monkeys.

The span bridge running North to
Las Vegas is impressive on its own.
The project could not afford to give all the workers hard hats so some of them dipped their baseball caps in tar to make them harder.

The dam was completed two years ahead of schedule.  Lots of movies were filled there, including Transformers 1.  The dam was built to provide water to the farmers of California, Nevada and Arizona.  The electricity produced is only a side benefit.

Hoover Dam is filled with 3.25 million cubic yards of concrete, enough to pave a strip 16 feet wide and 8 inches thick from San Francisco to New York City.

The Colorado Rive below
the dam wall.

The dam wall.  94 workers were killed
during the construction.

The Nevada / Arizona State Line
at Hoover Dam.
We thought Poppy would like to visit the Dam because it is one of the seven industrial wonder of the world.  You can read more about it at this link. 


  1. Great photos & descriptions of your travels guys....Yosemite looks spectacular! will all be getting pretty fit after all your hiking and cycling....just don't be eating too many Ring Dings or Carls Jnrs!....Fi, give us some more food reporting please, I like your culinary descriptions....cheers

  2. More foo reports to come Uncle Ricco. We had the most amazing steak in Las Vegas. Fi should be able to get a report up in the next 12 hours or so.
    Yosemite was quite amazing - a highlight of the trip so far. The boys liked finding out about the various ways people died building the Hoover Dam.

  3. Yep - they were particularly impressed by those who died being covered in muck and the powder monkeys who were blown up trying to build the bypass channels! Very different from girls!
