Saturday, 11 May 2013

Weird Conversations...

Catching a bus from our hotel in Anaheim to Disneyland, I had this conversation with the bus driver as I tried to pay an $8 fare with a $20 note:

Bus Driver: “I can’t give any change for that – where are you folks from?’

Me: “We’re from Australia – doing our first trip to Disneyland.”

BD: “Australia – my favourite rock and roll band of all time comes from there…..”

BJ: “Right…we have quite a few.  Would you like me to guess?”

BD: “ANGUS!!!” (other passengers now starting to look a bit perplexed by the delay.

BJ: “Oh – I haven’t heard of an Australian band called Angus.”

BD: “Angus Young, Bonn Scott…AC/DC.  I saw them here before Bonn Scott died.  Greatest concert I ever saw.  Don’t worry about the fare; hop on board.  You’re on a Highway to Hell!”

 Glad the family was in safe hands for that trip!


  1. And that is just the beginning of many weird and wonderful conversations you'll have!

    1. Yep - we've certainly had a few more since. But the people are fantastic and very helpful. I've just posted a second weird conversation. Although I could have also posted this conversation from inside the RV, driving out of San Diego:
      (After a long period of silence, we passed a pretty serious accident on the Freeway)
      Fiona: "That could have been us the way you're driving!!"
      Ben: "Sorry darling, have I missed something...?) (Gee I hope Uncle Trebs' fed Ex package turns up soon. I'd rather take my chances with a gasper and an Arizona Desert Rattler..!).
