Saturday 18 May 2013

The Amazing Grand Canyon!

Well the RV has made it 553 miles from San Diego to the Grand Canyon.  It took us 2 days after we picked up the vehicle, got it stocked up with food and beverages from the Navy PX and hit the road.  Overnighting at Needles after arriving at 10.30pm was set to be a challenge for the set up of the RV – connecting power, water, getting the vehicle level etc but it all proved reasonably straight forward. 

Our only challenge in the camp was finding a working shower.  The only one available was the pool shower – out in the open!  We were all keen for a wash so we stripped off, posted a sentry and got through in quick succession. (It's pretty warm in the Arizona Desert so no issues with an outdoor shower!)

We arrived at the South Rim of the Grand Canyon on the afternoon of 17 May, pretty excited about the walks ahead.  All of the camp grounds inside the park were full so we got an RV spot in the town of Tusayan (Too-Say-En), just outside the front gate of the National Park.
Well we all certainly felt pretty small in the scheme of things with the enormity of the Grand Canyon.  We did the Kaibab Trail walk into the canyon below the rim which was amazing.  All very good on the way down...but Doogs had a melt down (blubbering, tears, "I can't go on...") about 10mins into the walk back up (Trebs / Sares, you won't be surprised..). To his credit, he got himself together and finished the walk back up in pretty good form (not that he had any other options!).  The views from Hopi Point around to Powell Point were also spectacular. I'm not sure my words can really do the place justice and whether the photos below can really capture the enormity and beauty of the place...but here come the photos anyway..!

Our first glimpse of the
Canyon from Mather Point

The RV..parked up with power
and water at Tusayan.

Strike a pose...before you
begin the walk up.
Ferg and Doogs on the way to
Ooh Aah Point, Kaibab Trail 

Dougal was pretty spent after his
hike out of the Canyon to the Rim.
So tomorrow, we start out journey to Yosemite via Las Vegas and hopefully Hoover Dam.  Until the next post, hope this note finds you all well.


  1. Test Comment from Fergus James.

  2. Great photos!....hahaha Dougal "I can't go on...." - reminds me of the training session we did at Harry's gym - "Oh, I can do bridges all day, they're easy"....after 20 seconds he had given up!....Grand Canyon is fabulous isn't it - I went in 2009 on our drive across the States, although it was freezing & snowing when I was there - looks like it was warm for you...yes it does make you feel small and marvel at the power of nature....glad to hear the food experiences are improving....American pizza is the best!....all good back here at home, getting cool now....Quade not being selected in the Wallabies squad for the Lions is the big news - outrage at the Reds!....Berrick is in....keep enjoying the travel, I'm looking forward to more tantrums Dougal!....cheers from Uncle Ricco

  3. Oh Doogs I think I'd be feeling a little the same in the GRAND Canyon. One "I can't go on" is ok. It isn't called grand for nothing. Cait is powering up for three days of sporting comp against 6 other international schools starting on Thursday. I hope she can keep on going on :). Love Aunty Sares xo
